I began this week in a completely different frame of mind than the end of the week. I was not intending to try to run at all. I was frustrated with my bike/trainer causing a flare up in my knee. I thought maybe, just maybe, it's best for me to skip the bike and try something else. Maybe the elliptical machine. It's funny how different things, or I should say people, inspire you when you least expect it. I received an email early this week from my old friend Matt. I haven't talked to Matt for many months, maybe since last summer. Matt is a running coach and was (and I think maybe still is) a part of my old training group, PacWest. He's had his own coaching business for a while now and that is his main focus. While growing his business, he's had his share of chronic overuse injuries. Plantar fasciitis (heel pain) had been a major problem and he even had surgery to help alleviate the pain. I learned he also has had some problems with his Achilles tendon. Matt is a 2:45 marathoner (very fast) so his injuries have been a major problem for him personally and professionally.
I have to say, I am thrilled about what Matt told me. Matt is now wearing Nike Free running shoes (just like me!) and they are helping him measurably. He also read the book "Brain Training" and is now a big proponent to wear the minimalist running shoes during easy or shorter runs. I asked Matt what he did when he started running again after his surgery. In his answer, he suggested I start running again, but very gradually and being very responsive to anything that feels awry. I do have my issue of my knee being OK during a workout, but not later, but I got his point. Matt thinks it's best to start with a 10 minute walk/run. Run for 2 minutes, walk for 1, and so on. Then, if that feels OK, then do it a few more times the first week. If that goes well, maybe the second week I do 10 min 3x/week with 4 min run/1 min walk. I thought about this and last Wednesday evening, I tried the walk/run at my gym on the treadmill. My gym has a 30 minute limit on the treadmills when someone is waiting, so I decided to start with 30 min total. I walked for 20 minutes, then pushed the button 'Jog 5.0" (five miles per hour) on the screen. I thought a 1 min run, 2 min walk would be a good place for me to start, even less than the suggestion from Matt. It felt good to run, but it was also scary. The fear came back. Will my knee start to hurt again? Maybe it won't hurt today, but will the ache and burning sensation return tomorrow? I tried to push those thoughts away and finish my workout.
The walk/run felt fine during and afterwards. I iced my knee too, my usual precaution after any exercise. On Thursday my knee was fine and Friday too, no delayed pain beyond minimal aches that happen more often than not. I experiences some what I am now calling "stress aches" on Friday, but I attributed that to my day, not my Wednesday exercise. I've noticed my knee definitely responds to stress. One thing is that I have realized is I keep expecting my knee to feel "normal" again someday. I'm thinking maybe I need to let this go. My left knee may never feel normal like my right knee again. As long as that horrible pain never comes back, hopefully my knee will be fine with a few aches here and there.
Today, on this beautiful Saturday morning in San Francisco, I decided to walk/run again. I drove the few miles down to my favorite SF location, Crissy Field. Just as I parked, I saw some of my PacWest friends just beginning a run from the same place in a different direction. I couldn't think about them just then, so I set off on my plan. This time I walked for 50 min, then did my 10 min walk/run, same 10 min plan as Wednesday. It felt good to be outside in the sun again! The Golden Gate Bridge was majestic in the distance. There was a walk for Cystic Fibrosis going on so I wound my way through the walkers and runners. It was a crowded morning!
I saw a few of my PacWest friends during my walk and waved hello. I decided to stop by the picnic table where they were camped out when I was done. It was good to see them! Of course, there were the usual questions about my knee and my answers were way too long, as usual. I realized one important thing this morning, something I didn't expect to. I may be ready to join PacWest again. Not as a member training for a race though. I think I can handle showing up for a Saturday "run" to simply walk. A year ago I wasn't ready to do this, it was too hard for me mentally to not be able to run with everyone else. Today, I realized the companionship is important to me, not just the competition. I miss my friends. Even if I show up to simply walk, it's OK. I admit, they have told me this is OK with them for a very long time. Up until now, it was not OK with me. Interesting what a week will do! You never know what can change in such a short period of time. : )