Friday, March 6, 2009

Physical Therapy and Unknownland

I've entered into what I call "Unknownland" with my knee. I'm so confused and conflicted! Up until this week, even with my mistake last weekend, each day my knee seemed a little better than the last. This week, after my physical therapy appointment, for the first time my knee felt worse. I don't blame Alex, my PT, since I can't be sure whether the new exercises were the culprit or not. There is also the possibility that the slight pain I've been feeling in my knee is normal. The synovectomy was sure to upset the sensitive nerves that are in the synovial lining. Maybe the fact that the swelling in my knee is slowly going down, makes the area more sensitive. That is only a theory I have, I only wish I could see inside my knee and know exactly what is going on.

The surprising addition to my routine this week was cycling. Alex put me on a stationary bike for 5 minutes at the end of my appointment on Wednesday. You wouldn't think anyone would be excited about 5 minutes of cycling, but I was! My biggest complaint going into the session was that my knee was feeling so stiff and tight. Alex said the worst thing I could do right now was to not move my knee. After the bike ride, my knee definitely gave it more flexibility. Alex recommended getting on my trainer for 5 minutes in the morning and evening to help continue this process. Thing is while doing this the last few days (morning only), there has been a little more pain under my knee cap and my knee feels even a little less stable. I know physical therapy is to help my knee get stronger from the surgery and the sedentary activity afterwards. It's just that feeling a little more pain makes me think I have to back off the PT exercises and reminds me of over-doing it in the past. Yes, it's a confusing situation. I left a voice mail message for Alex this afternoon and have not heard back from her yet. We'll see how I feel tomorrow. Hopefully, the feeling of "Unknownland" will lessen a bit.

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