Has anyone else started to think of their life in terms of "status" posts? Ever since I joined Facebook a year and a half ago, I find myself often considering what I could post about my life at any given time of the day. Such as, "Eating the best frozen yogurt ever!" Or, if something interesting happens, I wonder, should I enlighten my "friends" with the details via a new status post? For example, on Saturday I went to see a movie. As the lights dimmed for the previews, I was surprised to notice the couple sitting next to me had pulled their tiny dog out of somewhere (from where I do not know) to enjoy the view as well. Really?! I kind of expect babies in theaters from time to time, but having a dog sit right next to me was a first. If the light from the screen on my iPhone wasn't so bright, I so would have posted something! BTW, the dog didn't make a peep during the whole movie. I can't say as much for babies. ; )
I feel that I have a pretty good filter in terms of what information is OK to post online and what is not appropriate. I admit, sometimes my posts are really *blah.* I think this may be better than the people who offer way too much information (you know, I really don't care what you ate for breakfast this morning). I'm not the kind of Facebooker that updates her "status," now called "What's on your mind?," constantly. My postings tend to go in waves, sometimes I'm into it, sometimes I'm not. I find myself sharing information during vacation since it's fun to be a little obnoxious that everyone else is working and I am not!
The thing I enjoy most about social networking is being able to see new photos that people upload from someones trip overseas, a big event, or even a horrible photo from back in 7th grade (thanks Heather, I made sure I "un-tagged" myself from that over-permed hair, skinny-legs image). Social networking is also a nice way to stay in touch with friends and even reconnect with people I haven't heard from in years.
So right now, boring or not, I would post "I'm sitting in my hotel room in SoCal trying to decide whether I should walk down the long hallway to get ice for my knee." Am I lazy or what? It's been a long day.
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