Saturday, July 5, 2008


Today is the one year anniversary of my knee surgery. Can you believe it? I hardly can, the year really seemed to fly by. At the same time, I definitely thought my running would be in a different place right now. I tried to keep my expectations low, but I never thought I would only be running 10 minutes at a time a year after my surgery. I was sure I was going to be back to my old running (at least an hour 3x a week) 3 or 4 months from the date of my knee scope. That is what I was told about the average recovery time from arthroscopic surgery. Well, I'm "unique" I guess. My recovery has been much slower than I ever imagined. The reality is that there is little I can do to change it. I don't want to push my running too fast and be setback with pain again, but I do want to progress towards healthy exercise. I expect continued trial and error the rest of this year.

I'm not sure where I first heard this quote and where it came from, but I've been repeating it to myself lately. "Life is not about what happens to you. Life is about how you handle what happens." I doubt that is the direct quote, but you get the gist. I could go in the direction of being depressed and negative about my knee, believe me I've had many of those days. I realize I could also head in the direction of hope and positivity. With help from my family and friends, this is what I'm going to choose for the future. Here's to an even better next year with continued recovery and health!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update...

... to a better year for you...