Sunday, June 22, 2008

They Finished!

Jill and Anne are Ironman finishers! Anne for the second time around. I've been watching their progress at Ironman Coeur d'Alene on and off all day online. To think, they started the swim at 7am this morning and they just finished. That is a long day of exercise! Wow, I'm so impressed. Here are their final stats. They rocked! Anne improved her time (I think) an hour faster from last year. That is amazing.

Jill G.
Swim (2.4 miles) - 1:19:53
T1 - 9:15
Bike (112 miles) - 6:59:05
T2 - 4:51
Run (26.2 miles) - 5:02:43
TOTAL - 13:35:47

Anne F.
Swim (2.4 miles) - 1:42:42
T1 - 8:47
Bike (112 miles) - 6:58:10
T2 - 7:03
Run (26.2 miles) - 4:55:37
TOTAL - 13:52:19

I hope they are celebrating right now with their families and friends and are going to enjoy some much deserved rest tonight. Yeah Jill! Yeah Anne! I'm so happy for them. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Ali!! I loved the good luck e card, Anne and I played it over and over and kept laughing!! I had a great race. Jill